You should see a new advertisement banner right above this post.
You may or may not know that all the advertisements you see on websites generate small amounts of money for the website owner each time a person clicks on them. Over time, those small amounts can add up to an amount that makes it worthwhile.
I'm learning some HTML along the way too. That stuff is mind numbing.
So, if the blog sizes and parameters change or you hate the ads or they're hard to read, distracting or whatever... please comment about it so I can fix it.
This is just a test. I won't pepper the blog with ads. I hope to put a few well placed, pertinent ads on here and see if they generate revenue.
Thanks for being patient with this trial and error phase.
Why Adbrite and let me know if you need help with html :)
ReplyDeleteJust remember to not click on them yourself to many times!! I don't even have $60 yet after 7 months.....Glenn likely is racking up thousands!!
ReplyDeleteHave you tried Adsense through Google/Blogger? Some people are making good money with that, and it costs you nothing. I had it for a while until a reader clicked on one ad a bunch of times and they kicked me off. :( I used to like seeing how they paired the ads with my current post. It was pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI just checked Adbrite and it looks like you have to pay to use it?
ReplyDeleteI promise to spend at least three hours a day clicking your ads 5000 times so that hopefully you can make lots of Jack.
Soon I'll have you getting fat and eating ONLY Koby beef just like Glen.
When was the last time that you saw Glenn was out busking on the street corner, it must have been months ago ?
Come back to California, you're welcome to park in my driveway. I just want to see you Chew on you're funnyun ?
Check out the link on my blog for the guy doing the 12,500 mile hike
Good luck to you. That's a tough market, studied in depth with people that had fulltime businesses in internet marketing. After a few years I gave up. You will need a lot of traffic to your blog. You can use the google analytics that is built into your blog free, or statcounter, or sitemap. This shows how people are finding your blog. If you can see what keywords people are using then you can plug those keywords into your post title, or your first 25 words of your blog posts to generate more traffic. Like "Me and My Blog Says", google will kick you off for reasons you cannot's frustrating.
ReplyDeleteThat is just one of a few reasons I resisted the temptation to as google ads to my blog.
Don read this story
Jerry what am I supposed to do with that?! LOL!
ReplyDeleteBhounds I figured that it's free and hands-off once it's set up so I might as well put the ad/s on the blog. If they generate a few bucks, that's great. If they don't that's ok too.
Don I am already gettig fat eating funyuns! Thanks for the offer of your driveway but I don't think I'll be heading to Ca. again this year. I imagine glen does OK with his ebusking and his blog peppered with ads. I think he's smart not to dip into the ebusking well too often. If he busked (begged?) often, people would get annoyed. We all know he's not a charity case since he's often spoke about how his RV is paid in full (I wish ours was)and he's living on $11k a year or less.
M&MD - funny story. Yes I did try adsense but I messed up. When I first stared the blog, before even going on the road, I added adsense. Curious to see how much the "clicks" were worth, I started clicking my own ads. I got up to $4 before they kicked me off permanently. LOL WHOOPS. So, that's why I am trying adbrite. I googled "better than adsense" and found adbrite. I can tell you that it's a lot easier to use but looking at my current banner ad... I'm thinking they don't have any ads for my blog. I feel like one of those "advertise here" road signs.
John I know NOW that they take that infraction very seriously.
Maria - I know a little HTML from working with eBay. I usually do all my own ads and host my own pics. Adding an adbrite ad to my blog today was pretty challenging but I finally got it. Thanks for the help offer though
This guy (Tom) makes a good residual paycheck from simply advertising on the internet.
Last year he bought a Winnebago Rialta and toured the country, fulltiming for a long while. Anywhere he had an internet connection, he would "work".
He's in his early 20's and has "it" all figured out. Smart kid.
Gee, I was going to click on your ad, but as you found out, there is nothing there! Maybe tomorrow.