The darkness in the caverns makes it tough to get photos that accurately depict what the human eye sees.
I took 313 pictures before the battery died in the camera. Around every corner there was something that makes you go… “WOW” or “OH MY GOD” and even expletives I won’t type here.
The immensity of the caves is what hit me. They’re just HUGE! Each one seemed to open into an even larger cave. It’s hard to believe that 750 feet below the earth is this magnificent national treasure. It was hidden away for millions of years and only discovered a few decades ago.
I’ll add to this blog post tomorrow as I go through the 300+ pics and find the “good ones”
I am in the central time zone again… just 1 hour off from home. Hello from Fort Stockton Texas. 9 am 1/14/12
Tigger says… “I think I see a chupacabra in the road?!”
I just love caves! Wanted to live in one at some point in my distant past. This place is definitely on my "must see" list... thanks for sharing!