I think that many residents said "SCREW THIS" and left for good. I suspect that if you haven't rebuilt after 7 years, you're probably not going to.
Many hand written signs read... "for sale by owner" with a phone number. I bet you could buy a lot with a damaged home on it for a song.
When I was doing laundry, I was talking to a lady there who said that her home had been wiped out 3 different times by 3 different floods. She said she will not come back if there’s a 4th flood.
I got to thinking that humans are a resourceful, resilient but stubborn bunch. Who in their right mind would rebuild their home 3 times after having it wiped out by a not so uncommon flood? A HUMAN.
You get the picture… lots of damaged homes sitting, waiting to be rebuilt.
Tigger says… “Hey, that looks pretty easy. I bet I could be a graffiti artist too”
I think I'd build my home on a barge so when it floods I could just ride it out.