Friday, January 20, 2012

A little MEGA-PICK to whet your whistle...

Your Ad Here ... I know you're all wondering about the mega-pick today. You're going nuts just wondering what I got Aren't ya?

Well, here's a couple pics to whet your whistle. More tomorrow as I catch up on the blog and work.


  1. Eek! What did Tigger think of that monstrosity?!!

  2. Mount that baby up and you'll have coolest View in all the land!

  3. Yuck is right. Heads of what kind of animals please?
    That poor house out in the middle of no where sure took a hit. Why would anyone take the chance and spend that kind of money to build where hurricanes come thru. Beautiful place tho in its hayday I bet. Cold here 9' so enjoy your warmth! I do like this set up better than yesterdays.

  4. Mmmm, "Defeat The Pot Smoking"? That's interesting.

  5. Love the addition of Longhorns! Really makes a statement!

  6. I haven't actually put them on the RV yet. We're tripping over them on the floor instead. lol

    I need to devise a way to securely mount them so 1. they won't fall off but can be easily removed at night ...and 2. they won't scratch the grill of the RV when mounted.

    That sticker said defeat the dope smoking, draft dodging something something somthing. I've asked the guy to save me the sticker. It's pretty cool and obviously 30+ years old.

  7. So now you are the king of skulls? Well, I guess someone has to be it. Good luck to you!
